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smi, 30. Oktober 2002 um 13:12:22 MEZ copenhagen gestern abend im international theatre: copenhagen von michael frayn. sehr gutes, sehr spannendes stück, ausgezeichnete schauspieler, leider nur 10 zuseher. kann das an der katastrophalen webseite des international theatre liegen? wer weiss. normalerweise nicht so wirklich mein fall: teeniepop. doch gerade in diesem moment bin ich sehr entzückt. der grund? losing grip, von avril lavigne. sehr guter song, hörprobe: Real Audio oder Windows Media. btw: that girl rocks! hoffentlich wird sie nicht frühzeitig verheizt. eigentlich hatte ich vor noch ein paar sätze zum tv-duell von gestern abend zu verlieren. ich musste feststellen sierra hat schon eine unglaublich profunde und zutreffende einschätzung abgegeben. also warum das rad nochmal erfinden? viel spass bei der lektüre. nochwas: widersprechen muss ich allerdings bei mutter courage gertraud knoll (© by alfred gusenbauer). wer so vehement und verbissen versucht in die politik zu kommen wie gertraud knoll, der kann das ganze nicht mit der nötigen entspannung sehen. wolfgang petritsch hat gestern vernehmen lassen er denke nicht daran wahlkampf zu machen. solche politiker braucht das land, keine schmutzigen hände aber dann erster wenn es um ein hochdekoriertes und hochdotiertes ministeramt geht. man wird sehen ob diese strategie aufgeht, ich bin gespannt. das nette "who is"-spielchen erreicht eine neue qualität: googlism.
Googlism for: smi
smi is well versed in a variety of programming languages and
smi is the shared memory interface
smi is well versed in a variety of programming languages and operating systems
smi is now starting a preliminary search for candidates to fill selected senior leadership
smi is located in a beautiful school building from 1912 in central stockholm
smi is based on the 1987 version of asn
smi is an external interface which offers the possibility for on
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smi is proud to sponsor brigadier general stephen t
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smi is helping states as they make the transition to ebt systems
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smi is uniquely positioned to
smi is a member of the koyo seiko group
smi is growing faster than hi and even though
smi is a user friendly and menu driven program which makes it easy to use
smi is designed to provide easy integration
smi is the only internet solution to provide complete
smi is the only internet solution that will provide a complete curriculum with full reporting and assessment capabilities
smi is currently trying to raise us$10 million to develop the deposit
smi is currently in effect
smi is japan's leading security products distributor with an impressive service infrastructure
smi is designed in a modular fashion to allow new versions of modsaf and soar to
smi is that it becomes an acknowledged comprehensive centre for queensland
smi is the recognition of both the queensland government and the university of queensland that the needs of the industry in the future are
smi is located at suite b40 in the basement of the court house plaza building at 260 sheridan ave on the corner of birch and sheridan
smi is a public benefit nonprofit corporation 501
smi is very proud to be involved in this important industry initiative
smi is not an original equipment manufacturer
smi is the only available high throughput tool for a wide range of toric and aspheric surfaces
smi is proud to introduce its newly developed line of products based upon what our customers have demanded and could not find
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smi is a preferred low cost supplier that satisfies quality and delivery requirements for a wide variety of oem customers
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smi is able to offer our clients a range of crm and e
smi is able to provide organisations with the choice to migrate existing legacy systems to the pc platform or integrate new pc front office applications into
smi is coded and tested 1991 * priorities change and smi is lower on the list 1994 * management decides to
smi is targeted to solve the storage industry's most challenging issue
smi is the first company to provide such a business information services based upon the unraveled information resources through its partnership with the
smi is now scanning incoming and outgoing email for viruses using vircom modusmail
smi is also scanning incoming and outgoing email for viruses
smi is not
smi is automatically in financial balance under present law
smi is the benchmark index for the swiss stock market's leading equities
smi is designed for quick
smi is currently reviewing all notification approaches including ?notification? using the trade press
smi is disturbed by the reportage of many journalists
smi is a global movement launched in 1987 to improve maternal health and to reduce the number of maternal deaths in half by 2000
smi is committed to making their software work for us and have proved that on more than one occasion
smi is the leading software supplier to the major usa travel destinations
smi is also the exclusive representative for arkonia systems limited of bordon uk
smi is particularly impressive due to the importance of the inspection
smi is designed to accelerate the implementation of an open storage management interface based on the bluefin specification for san management
smi is iso 9002 gecertificeerd
smi is unique and is the only one that i trust
smi is not in an xml like format
smi is a sophisticated system that suits a broad range of commercial air conditioning applications
smi is open to committed christian young adults
smi is an organization that represents more than 100 furniture companies embodying nearly 60% of all the furniture produced in this dynamic nation
smi is in full compliance with all specifications
smi is claiming it is owed money by fluor and claims it has not been paid the amounts due
smi is providing information and services on this site as a benefit and service in furtherance of smi's non
smi is headed by larry namer
smi is not only the ``invention of the century''
smi is a leader in information processing for state and local government human services agencies with a strong focus on systems for processing child support
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