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tirol. im wunderschönen alpbach. noch immer ein kaff. alles wie damals.

krawattenknoten sind der spiegel zur persönlichkeit. ich habe noch keine empirischen beweise für diese vermutung aber meine beobachtungen bestätigen (bisher) das theorem. bei zeiten gibt es vielleicht einmal eine genauere erklärung inklusive taxonomie.

peter pilz hat ein quasi-weblog. sehr interessant. [via ho]

In my late teenage years I read a book called Das wiedergefundene Licht (English title: And There Was Light) by Jacques Lusseyran. It is an autobiography by a blind. Jacques lost his sight in school by an accident. He writes about a world without light. Slowly he gets accustomed to the situation. During the Vichy regime when he is in a résistance group his job is to do the interviews with the new people who want to join the group. Without listening too much what the people say he chooses the trustful by the tone of their voice, by the way how they say what they say. And he never fails. He sees through them. He can distinguish the honest from the pretenders, the liars, the future traitors. As Lusseyran had lost his most important sense which is responsible for much more than half of our entire perception he concentrated on the other four and intensified them. This book told me something I knew already but hadn't realised. That with deprivation you can gain much more than you can lose.
nice story.

abendempfänge: either you like them or you don`t.

dont it always seem to go, that you dont know what youve got til it`s gone. they paved paradise and put up a parking lot.

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